club手机版怎么用:The Edge of Glory (CH-Club混音版)Gaga

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  《The Edge of Glory》(CH-Club混音版)、LadyGaga 2011第三波club手机版怎么用,下半年继续Gaga热潮!

  Lady-Gaga的《The Edge of Glory》单曲,是在2011年5月份上线发行的,一上线就空降Billboard流行榜前二十,成为流行热门不是问题,其更主要目的是代替《Judas》与Katy-Perry的《E.T.》打擂台club手机版怎么用


  在其他热门歌曲的阻击下,Lady-Gaga的第二波《Judas》开始时红遍全球,可能是四面楚歌的原因吧,就是后劲不足,明显是输给Katy-Perry的《E.T.》了,所以,《The Edge of Glory》在5月下旬带着万众期待的压力与期望上线发行了club手机版怎么用。当然,“恶斗”依然继续,到今天写帖子时,看了Billboard流行榜,Lady-Gaga的《The Edge of Glory》位列第六、Katy-Perry的《E.T.》位列第七。

  记得在上个月时,音乐娱乐这样评论说:“2011年的超级热门歌星之争,就是Lady-Gaga和Katy-Perry了club手机版怎么用。”个人感觉,现在还真的要看看Lady-Gaga的《The Edge of Glory》的火力了。

  《The Edge of Glory》Lady GaGa club手机版怎么用

  There's no reason you and me should be alone

  Tonight, yeah babe Tonight, yeah babe

  I got the reason that you who take me home tonight

  I need a man that thinks it right when it's so wrong,

  Tonight yeah babe, Tonight yeah babe,

  Right on the limits where we know we both belong tonight

  It's time to feel the rush,

  To push the dangerous

  I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you

  Where we can both fall in love

  I'm on the edge of glory,

  And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,

  I'm on the edge of glory,

  And I'm hanging on a moment with you,

  I'm on the edge The edge

  I'm on the edge of glory

  And I'm hanging on a moment with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  Another shot, before we kiss the other side,

  Tonight, yeah babe Tonight, yeah babe

  I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight

  Alright, alright

  Pull out your shade 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames

  Tonight, yeah babe Tonight, yeah babe

  It is the Heart the burden of my name, alright, alright

  It's time to feel the rush

  To push the dangerous

  I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you

  Where we can both fall in love

  I'm on the edge of glory,

  And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,

  I'm on the edge of glory,

  And I'm hanging on a moment with you,

  I'm on the edge The edge~

  I'm on the edge of glory

  And I'm hanging on a moment with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  I'm on the edge of glory,

  And I'm hanging on a moment with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  I'm on the edge with you

  《The Edge of Glory》单曲,与Gaga之前的《Born This Way》同属一个系列的club手机版怎么用。看看宣传的图片,Gaga都是裸露上身的棱角装扮,同时以猫眼装束和烈焰红唇示人,披散的头发与魅惑的妆容显得格外神秘诱人,而曲风是在迷惑的流行节奏中依然带着Gaga特有的霸气的华丽唱颂。同时,歌曲请来了北美著名的萨克斯大师“克拉伦斯-克莱蒙斯(Clarence-Clemons)”为其伴奏(在MV里有现身),虽然只是在间奏中出现短短的一小段,但就让整首歌曲显得更加别具神秘的风格。

  值得一提的是,Gaga早前在接受采访的时候曾表示过这首新歌《The Edge of Glory》是为死去的外祖父而创作的,其中说道:“当时我和父亲站在钢琴旁与祖父说再见的时候,我突然有感而发club手机版怎么用。回想起儿时与外祖父生活上的一点一滴,特别是他卧病在榻时,全家人陪伴的场景,我创作了这首《The Edge of Glory》,直到创作的完成,父亲和我都为这次的创作感到非常激动,甚至感触落泪!”


  MV里面的是《The Edge of Glory》的原曲版本,天涯音乐盒的是北美著名的夜场俱乐部“CH-Club”的混音版本club手机版怎么用。还是那样,在众多的混音版本中,精选再精选、精选了几首《The Edge of Glory》的混音版与大家一同分享分享。

club手机版怎么用:The Edge of Glory (CH-Club混音版)Gaga-第1张图片-太平洋在线下载

club手机版怎么用:The Edge of Glory (CH-Club混音版)Gaga-第2张图片-太平洋在线下载

标签: Glory Edge Club Gaga CH
